In-depth Data Radar

A comprehensive search that allows you

to find any info about people, whether it's for personal or professional

Why Radaris?

We believe that everyone has the right to access public data records, and we're proud to be a trusted provider in this space.


data sources


data records

15+ years

in the industry


positive reviews


searches a day


happy customers


data sources


positive reviews


data records


searches a day

15+ years

in the industry


happy customers

Powerful Search

Our advanced search technology, combined with vast database of public records, ensures that you have access to the information you need quickly and easily. Our search tools include

Radaris can help you

Finding contact information (phone numbers, addresses, and emails) on anyone.

Getting full background checks on friends, neighbors, and people you’ve just met.

Secure your dating, check new friends of your children to keep yourself and family safe.

Verifying the owners of cars, boats, apartments and other assets before renting a property.

Comprehensive solutions for checking potential partners and business relationships.

Looking up any phone number to see its owner and who’s calling or texting you.

Our core values are the foundation of everything we do

Customer satisfaction

We focus on improving our platform to ensure your satisfaction with our products and services.

Data Security

We understand the importance of data security, and we take all necessary measures to protect our customers' information.


Quality is a non-negotiable aspect of our operations, and we strive for excellence in everything we do.


We know that time is of the essence, and we’re dedicated to providing our customers with speedy access to the information they need.

Search now

Excellent Support & Service

Here's what some of our clients say about their experience with Radaris:

John D

John D.

I have been using Radaris for several years now, and I couldn’t be happier with the service. Their extensive database and powerful search tools make it easy for me to find the information I need quickly and efficiently.

Sarah T

Sarah T.

The Radaris customer support team was quick to respond and resolve the issue. I was impressed with their professionalism and dedication to customer satisfaction.

Rachel L

Rachel L.

I have recommended Radaris to all my friends and family. It’s a great tool for finding information on anyone, and their commitment to data security and privacy is unmatched.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is people search by Radaris free?

Yes, anyone may now use our people's search engine for free people. You may, however, get a report that includes a wealth of extra information about the individual you're looking for. If you're performing in-depth research and need to know a lot about someone, we recommend doing this.

Can I manage my data or even remove it from Radaris?

Yes, you certainly can. It requires a unique tool. Please locate the 'Control Your Information' button and follow the on-screen instructions.

What makes Radaris different from other people's search engines?

We frequently and carefully monitor the internet. When you use Radaris, you can be sure that you're getting the most up-to-date and accurate available information (however, there is no ideal, and we make mistakes).

How do you get the people's information you provide on Radaris? Is it legal?

Yes, it is. We purchase pricey public datasets from official sources, integrate and analyze them, and continuously examine open sources to improve them as much as possible. Then you see the result: a lightning-fast search with all of the information on people in one place for your convenience.

How do you find someone with very little information?

If you have little information about them, try any Radaris search features such as reverse address lookup, reverse phone lookup, reverse business background check, etc. Your less information does not have to be recent also. Radaris has a vast database of information and can surely meet your search demands.

How can I find a person by name?

Let's say you're looking for your date and just know s/he or beyond's first name but not the full name. In that situation, you might experiment with other name combinations that you believe are possible. This usually works out. If it doesn't, get in touch with Radaris customer service for help.

How do I find someone's address by their name?

You can use the reverse address lookup. Radaris provides you with easy access to various unique records and background check information. The platform offers an extensive database with billions of entries for people to search. Since its inception as a social network in 2006, the platform has evolved into a powerful reverse address search engine. It's also an excellent tool for looking for fraudulent phone numbers. Since 2010, when the search engine functionality was enabled, the company gathered data. The site delivers a detailed report when you pay for a monthly data plan subscription. While a free version is available, it has limited information availability. The site also offers a geo grouping tool that allows users to easily combine search results based on their location.

Is it possible to carry out people's search through a phone number?

You may use Radaris' free reverse phone number lookup tool to find out who phoned you by entering a phone number. You can retrieve the phone owner's full name, address, and more by using the free reverse cellphone lookup with the name function. Radaris will aid you in quickly detecting the caller, whether you missed a call, received an instant message from an arbitrary number, or don't sense an impending call. Anyone may use Radaris to perform a free reverse phone lookup using the name 2022 to locate a mobile, private, or business phone number.

Why should I choose Radaris?

Our public records search for property history is one of the most thorough on the market, and it is continually updated with new information. Unlike our rivals, we attempt to deliver as much free data as possible, so you can permanently save money with Radaris. If something goes wrong (which is unusual), our customer service is always ready to assist you.

If you want to learn more, please visit our help center